Integrated Data

Outfit your educators with the data required to teach the whole child. Information from all your data sources gets woven into rich visualizations and personalized dashboards. Users can seamlessly drill down from student groupings to individual details for more effective data analysis. tailors your student data to be:


Readable, so users can quickly
analyze data and apply it to their
teaching or counseling


Configurable, giving individual
educators the chance to elevate the student groups and metrics that are most meaningful to them

Custom Fit

Custom-fit to your district, with learning plan frameworks adapted to your student body

It’s time to see your data differently.
Schedule a personalized demonstration.

Built to suit

Clear displays in an easy interface help you make data-driven decisions without sacrificing student contact time.

Use aggregated risk indicators

Use aggregated risk indicators, customizable to your district, to get early alerts about student challenges.

Connect to individual student profiles

Get one-click access from any chart to the individual students represented in each category.

Simplify creation of student learning plans

Simplify creation of student learning plans, with a guided interface that keeps you in compliance with Section 504.

Track longitudinal data

Track longitudinal data to evaluate progress on a group’s assessments, attendance, grades, or other measures.

Surface critical data

Surface critical data in dashboards tailored to each user’s role and unique student cohort.

Monitor progress

Monitor progress and amend learning plans at any time to fine-tune student support.

Customize your own plans

Customize your own plans to accommodate student needs and foster collaboration in interdisciplinary teams.

Perform multidimensional analysis

Perform multidimensional analysis to uncover links between student performance and attendance or demographic data.

Superior platform support

From an intuitive user interface to robust back-end support, checks all your data-management boxes.

Experienced support staff

Experienced support staff
Our account managers and expert Help Desk group are ready to serve you and facilitate your development requests.

Privacy protection

Privacy protection
Sensitive student information is housed in secure servers. User access is based on roles that you define.

Swift setup

Swift setup
Most districts can access their platform, complete with customization, within 8 weeks of data access.

We see data differently.

Your district is different from any other. embraces those differences and delivers a data management system tailored to you. Your users get more personalized data insights — so your students see more success.

See the data students need you to see.

It’s never been more important to understand how your students are performing and how to close the opportunity gap. Give your data platform a critical look — and give us the chance to show you a new way to surface student needs.

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